Pre Prep Transition to Prep Day
Recently, our Pre Prep students have begun their transition to Prep experiences, visiting the Prep classrooms for the first time, and having so much fun with their 'big school' friends and teachers.
A big part of the Pre Prep children's experience at King's Early Learning, is the benefit of these various transition experiences/visits up to Prep, as part of the day-to-day program across Term 3 and Term 4.
Most of the children showed great confidence and readiness for their upcoming transition to Prep in 2023, while some were a little more cautious in their new environment. The Prep students were very eager to support the Pre Prep children to feel comfortable, and have a great time engaging in some new experiences.
These continued visits will help to support all children's understanding of Prep, and develop their confidence and readiness for their new learning environments next year.